Pass Your 2024 Real Estate Exam With These 12 Tips

How to Set Yourself Up for Real Estate Success

Jacqueline Kyo Thomas

Jacqueline Kyo Thomas

Ready to ace the Massachusetts Real Estate Exam in 2024? You’ve come to the right place.

Your success hinges on preparation and strategy. In this post, we'll share essential tips and insights to not only help you pass the exam but to do so with confidence. From understanding the exam format to mastering key concepts, these tips are designed to guide you through every step of your journey. Let's get started.


1. Get Familiar With the Real Estate Exam Format

The Massachusetts real estate exam is typically divided into two sections: the national portion and the state-specific portion.

The exam asks 120 questions. This usually includes 80 questions for the national portion and 40 questions for the state-specific portion.

You’ll have four hours to take the exam, but that’s more than enough time to ace it especially if you’ve prepared with our coursework.

Learn more about the Massachusetts real estate exam here.

2. Use Updated Study Materials

Real estate laws and practices can change yearly. Be sure to use study materials that are up-to-date with 2024's standards and regulations.

If you use an old study guide, you might learn rules that no longer apply. Current study materials include the latest market trends and practices. This gives you a more comprehensive understanding of today's real estate landscape.

At our school, we continuously revise our study materials to ensure they align with the latest real estate regulations and trends. The vast majority of students who followed our study plan pass on their first try, and that’s not a coincidence.

Learn more about our real estate school here.

3. Practice with Practice Exams

Getting comfortable with the format of the real estate exam is key, and that's where practice exams come in handy. They're like the dress rehearsal before the big show. Our practice tests are designed to mirror the actual exam, so you'll know what to expect. By routinely taking these exams, you can:

And remember, if you practice with us and still don't pass, we've got your back with a course refund. That's how much we believe in our practice exams and you.

4. Stick to a Study Schedule

Timing is everything. Creating and sticking to a study schedule can make a world of difference. Here's how you can do it:

With a solid study plan, you'll cover all the bases without feeling overwhelmed.

5. Strengthen Your Weak Spots

We all have areas that need a bit more work, and that's perfectly okay. First, identify the areas that you don’t know very much. You can use those practice exam results to see where you need more focus. Then, start studying these areas. Try to mix up your study methods. Try flashcards, discussion groups, or even teaching a topic to a friend. Also, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Our instructors are here to guide you through those tricky topics.

Remember, turning your weaknesses into strengths is a big part of passing this exam. And we're here every step of the way to make sure you do just that.

6. Get Involved With a Study Group


Studying alone is great but joining a study group can offer a ton of additional benefits. In a study group, you’re not just learning from the materials—you’re also learning from each other. A study group provides a platform for exchanging ideas, erasing doubts, and gaining new perspectives on complex topics. In a group setting, you can challenge each other, share best practices, and learn from the varied experiences of your peers. The support and motivation from group members can be a huge morale booster as you prepare for the Massachusetts real estate exam.

Then there’s the benefit of body doubling. Ever heard of it? Body doubling is the idea that simply having another person present while you study can boost your focus and productivity. It's like having a silent partner in your study session, offering a sense of companionship and accountability.

In an in-person setting, this could be as simple as sitting across the table from a fellow student, each working on your own but together in spirit. Online, this might look like a video call where everyone is doing their own thing, but still connected. This setup can be especially helpful for those who find it hard to stay focused when studying alone.

7. Know Your Key Terms

Knowing real estate lingo is half the battle. While our study materials come with a comprehensive list of key terms, creating your list can be a game-changer, especially for terms that you find tricky.

As you go through our materials, jot down terms that are new or challenging. This personal glossary becomes a quick reference guide tailored just for you. Not only is this a handy reference, but the process of writing also helps in memory retention. It’s a hack that activates learning.

8. Use Flashcards

Flashcards aren't just for kids. They're a powerful tool for memorizing those key terms.

Flashcards engage the brain in active recall, which makes it easier to remember information in the future. When you look at the question side of a flashcard and try to recall the answer, you are practicing active recall and strengthening your memory. Also, when you use flashcards over time, especially at different intervals, you remember the information for longer. This method is called “spaced repetition.”

Flashcards are also a convenient study tool. You can pull them out anywhere and flip through them during a coffee break or while commuting. And they can be digitized. There are plenty of flashcard apps that you can use on your phone or tablet.

9. Refresh Anytime with On-Demand Courses

As part of your study game plan, tune into our on-demand courses. These courses allow you to refresh your memory on topics you may have forgotten. Need to brush up on Massachusetts property laws? Or maybe you want a quick refresher on ethical practices in real estate? Just select the topic you need, and you're good to go. On-demand courses allow you to target your review.

Our on-demand courses are available 24/7, so you can access them whenever it's convenient for you. These courses fit into your life, not the other way around. They're perfect for squeezing in a quick study session during a lunch break or for a more extended review over the weekend.

10. Prepare the Day Before the Exam

The day before the exam can be crucial in setting the stage for success. Here’s a straightforward plan to ensure you’re at your best when the big day arrives:

Review but Don’t Cram

Go through your notes and key summaries one last time. Focus on reinforcing your strong areas and briefly reviewing any tricky concepts. Avoid trying to learn anything new.

Check Your Exam Details

Double-check the exam time, location, and any specific instructions. Make sure that you know how to get there and how long it takes so that traffic doesn’t pose a problem.

Prepare for the Day Ahead

Gather everything you’ll need for the exam, including your identification and registration confirmation. Lay them out the night before, so you’re not scrambling in the morning.


Engage in a relaxing activity to calm your mind. This could be a light walk, meditation, listening to music, or reading a book. Avoid activities that are too stimulating or stressful.

Have a Good Night’s Sleep

Prioritize getting a full night’s sleep. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality rest to ensure you’re mentally and physically refreshed.

11. Manage Your Test-Taking Anxiety

It's common to feel anxious about taking an exam, but there are effective ways to manage this anxiety. Here's how students can stay calm and focused:

Understand the Source of Anxiety

Feeling nervous is a normal response to a high-stakes situation. Often, anxiety stems from fear of the unknown or fear of failure. Acknowledging these feelings is the first step in managing them.

Get Prepared

Confidence comes from knowing you're well-prepared. Stick to your study plan, use the resources provided by our school, and take advantage of practice exams. Familiarity with the exam format and material can significantly reduce anxiety.

Develop a Positive Mindset

Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Instead of thinking, “I might fail,” tell yourself, “I have prepared and I will do my best.” Positive thinking can have a powerful effect on your emotional state.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Learn and practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation. These can be done before and during the exam to help calm nerves.

Take Mock Exams under Real Conditions

Take practice exams in a setting that mimics the actual exam environment. This can help desensitize you to the exam setting and reduce anxiety on the actual day. In other words, don’t just lay on your sofa and take the exam. Sit at your desk or the kitchen table and take the practice test. This helps create a more realistic exam experience.

On Exam Day, Arrive Early

Rushing can heighten anxiety. Arrive early to give yourself time to settle in and relax.

Focus on the Process, Not the Outcome

Concentrate on answering each question to the best of your ability rather than worrying about the final score. Taking the exam one question at a time can help keep anxiety at bay.

Remember to Breathe

During the exam, if you start feeling anxious, pause for a moment and take a few deep breaths. This can help reset your stress levels and refocus your concentration.

By adopting these strategies, you can reduce test-taking anxiety and approach the exam with a calmer, more confident mindset.

12. Be Sure You're Ready to Take the Exam

Let’s discuss how to recognize when you’re ready to take the real estate exam. If you’re not careful, you could stay stuck in study mode indefinitely. Here are some signs that you are ready:

You Have Consistent High Scores on Your Practice Tests - If you are regularly doing well on practice exams, especially if you’re consistently meeting or exceeding the passing score, it’s a strong indicator that you’re prepared.

You are Confident in Key Concepts - You should feel comfortable with the major topics and be able to explain them clearly. If you find yourself able to discuss these concepts without constantly referring to your notes, that’s a good sign.

You Have Diminishing Returns from Studying - When additional studying doesn’t seem to be improving your understanding or practice test scores, it might mean you’ve absorbed as much as you can and are ready to take the exam.

You are Managing Time Effectively - If you’ve practiced enough to confidently manage the allotted time for each section of the exam, that’s another sign of readiness.

You Feel Prepared, Not Perfect - Remember, feeling ready doesn’t mean you know everything perfectly. It means you have a solid understanding and are prepared to tackle the exam to the best of your ability.

Recognizing these signs can help you avoid over-studying and move forward with taking the real estate exam with confidence.

Let’s say you’re taking practice exams but your cores are not improving or you're repeatedly struggling with the same areas. This indicates that you might have reached a study plateau. Here’s how to get past this plateau:

Try Different Study Methods - If traditional note-taking isn’t yielding results, switch to flashcards, interactive quizzes, or group discussions.

Seek Feedback - Talk to instructors or peers for a fresh perspective on difficult topics. Sometimes, a different explanation can make things click.

Take a Short Break - Occasionally, stepping away for a day or two can help reset your focus and return with a fresh perspective.

Focus on Application - Apply concepts to real-life scenarios or case studies. This can deepen your understanding and provide a new angle on familiar topics.

Final Thoughts

We’ve come to the end of this comprehensive guide, but remember that passing the Massachusetts real estate exam is more than just memorizing facts. It’s also about understanding how to apply those facts in real-world scenarios. It’s about developing critical thinking skills, managing time effectively, and keeping a positive and calm mindset under pressure. You’ll need all of the above to be a success in real estate.

Good luck and check out our Massachusetts Online Real Estate Classes here.

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